by The Flying Accounting University
Normes et Techniques Comptables applicables aux Projets de Développement?
Did the audit profession adopt the writings of Foucault? Was there any benefit for the audit profession from his ideas? Did scholars use Foucault’s approach for investigating auditing as a practice of knowledge?Join the expert talk on Friday evening!
Join us in this Round Table to discuss this important topic and share our thoughts
German Parlament discussions on Hawala banking issue
EMPACTA obliges its members to comply with anti money laundering regulations. In this highly condensed training you will learn of what you must do in order to comply with EQS4.
The audit of EU programmes/projects is an important and possibly profitable field for competent and prepared auditors operating in the humanitarian aid and bi-lateral aid fields. The EU has its own special requirements and standards and it will be important not only to understand these but also to demonstrate your expertise in proposals, bid documents and conversations with key EU decision makers.