Empacta E.V.

Empacta E.V.



information in CV


Missions in countries with limited statehood: Security Training for Professionals

  • 16/02/2024
  • Enrolled: 0

This security training is intended for EMPACTA members (annual security drill) and other professionals, who prepare themselves for missions in countries with limited statehood or who are operating in a hostile environment. The training is a hybrid event with optional on-site in Berlin, or on-line ‘Zoom’ participation.

What is transfer pricing and what services can auditors provide to clients and regulators? A guide for EMPACTA members.

  • 24/05/2024
  • Enrolled: 0

AfrCFTA, the pan-african customs union, is coming. Even modest forecasts predict an increase of the intra-african trade by more than 600 percent in the years to come. The times of an exclusive bilateral trade with theold colonial masters, it seems, are gone.

Inauguration Speech

  • 30/10/2020
  • Enrolled: 0

Attention! The inauguration speech was shifted from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Central European Time). We decided to have a small ceremony at the EMPACTA office. You can also take part per ZOOM link.

When is a rule a rule?

  • 18/12/2020
  • Enrolled: 0

Online event – If someone would like to be sure that a rule is a rule, for instance that an arithmetic rule is really an arithmetic rule, this person would need someone else to check this rule. If this other person also applied that rule and only if this other person received the same result, and if they compared the result, the first person could be sure that this arithmetic rule is indeed a rule.

How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love E-learning: The Pedagogics of the Flying Accounting University

  • 15/01/2021
  • Enrolled: 0

The Flying Accounting University is dedicated to further develop the social and ecological dimension of accounting. It is a pure “online-university”. It has no homeland. Its channel is e-learning. How does the channel fit to the mission? Which implications has the channel on the subject? What is our method?

BITCOIN? The non-profit-world can also create money from scratch!

  • 13/02/2021
  • Enrolled: 0

Indeed, it is not only BITCOIN who can create money from scratch. Everybody (who enjoys trust) can! In the course of the preparation of this session it turned out that participants wanted to shape our topic a bit broader.

Internal Consultation: Preparation of the General Assembly

  • 19/06/2021
  • Enrolled: 0

This event is dedicated for MEMBERS ONLY. Empacta e.V. members are invited to discuss the proposals for the general assembly, in particular our investement plans.

CALCULEMUS! About accounting machines and the dream of a perfect accounting environment

  • 25/06/2021
  • Enrolled: 0

“If controversies were to arise, there would be no more need for disputation between two philosophers than between two accountants. For it would suffice for them to take there pencils in their hands and to sit down at the abacus and say to each other: Let us calculate!”

Kick off meeting: Call for Paper QUANTIFICATION AND POWER

  • 08/10/2021
  • Enrolled: 0

NEW TIME: The meeting will be at 16:00 Central European Time. The originally proposed time at 10:00 is colliding with another event. Sorry for the inconvenience!

“Post colonial bureaucracies” – Part 1: “Komandirovka” – the administration of business trips in the USSR

  • 15/10/2021
  • Enrolled: 0

In the column to the left, you see our “Call for Paper” under LEARNING MATERIALS. Please have a look! We have 13 months for preparing ourselves for the conference in Gorée, from 8 to 13 November 2022. These sessions here – every Friday – are intended to give you an introduction to this conference. You can suggest a paper, too! You can also win a free ticket!

“Post colonial bureaucracies” – Part 2: In search of a history of administration: Hannah Arendt and Johann Chapoutot

  • 05/11/2021
  • Enrolled: 0

In this 2nd session, we will analyze Hannah Arendt’s theory of bureaucracy. Participants are encouraged to read chapter 7 “Race and bureaucracy” in her “The Origins of Totalitarism”.

We are grass-root, not astro-turf! Inauguration of the new Empacta Ambassadresses and Ambassadors

  • 29/11/2021
  • Enrolled: 0

Attention: We will start at 10:30 CET, this means half an hour later than originally planned. Sorry for the inconvinience!

“Post colonial bureaucracies” – Part 4: Bureaucratic racism

  • 07/01/2022
  • Enrolled: 0

Attention! New date! the session is shifted from 26 November 2021 to 7 January 2022. In this last session, we will wrap up and sort the results. We will try to draw a line from early colonial practices of administering slaves to the current administrative practices in development politics.

Distributing Humanitarian Aide in War Zones: Electronic Tools and the Experience from Other Countries

  • 08/04/2022
  • Enrolled: 0

Jackline Nakiganda, an Erasmus Mundus student in her last year (Public Sector Innovation and eGovernance), citizen of Uganda, and currently placed in Tallinn, Estonia, will exchange experience with practitioners from the field on how to best organise the distribution of humanitarian aide in war zones, in particular in Ukraine.

EMPACTA General Assembly 2022

  • 06/11/2022
  • Enrolled: 0

In this year, our general assembly will take place on the wonderful island of Gorée, Senegal!

Bureaucratic Practices and Professional Expertise in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts (18th-20th centuries)

  • 09/11/2022
  • Enrolled: 0

This summer school, organized in collaboration with colleagues from Cheick Anta Diop University in Dakar, ONECCA, and the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin, aims to create a space for meeting, dialogue, and research training between African and European students and young researchers.

Theory of a world wide administration: Kim Robinson’s “Ministry for the Future”

  • 24/02/2023
  • Enrolled: 0

Climate change requires joint and coordinated action from humankind. For this to happen, we need a global administration. However, not only is a capable global administration completely absent, it even seems “unthinkable” that such a structure could be formed.

Ethics Committee

  • 12/04/2023
  • Enrolled: 0

Request from Mr. Frank Fabel, CPA, CA, MA

Hearing: The Grand Jury invites members to report on their experience with certain triangle contracts

  • 19/04/2023
  • Enrolled: 0

On 12 April, the Grand Jury met hearing the arguments around certain triangle contracts, in which the independence of our members might be threatened – or not. The Decision of the Grand Jury will be binding to all Empacta (R) members.

The Exhausted State: Lessons in the History of Administration

  • 30/06/2023
  • Enrolled: 0

Have you ever asked yourself who invented the system of GRANTS? Do you know how accelerated depreciation came into being? And who killed federal housing programs?