Funds in NGOs are repeatedly subject to major frauds. This creates difficulties for the NGOs, undermines their credibility with funders and, most of all, lets down the beneficiaries, denying them the support they desperately need.
In my work with auditors over the last fifteen years, I have met several who were very proud of their audit methodology relying on 100% vouching of all transactions.
David audited charities and NGOs around the world for twenty-five years. Over the last twelve years he has trained hundreds of audit firms in the area of NGO audit. He has found that the quality of NGO audits and the attitude of the audit profession to that sector are almost universally poor, in firms of all sizes.
Do you work for an NGO? Do you ever wonder about the point of an audit? Do you ever wonder why an audit costs so much? Do you ever wonder what your auditors are talking about?
In November 2020, David Wortham led a discussion looking at the reasons why so many frauds in NGOs are not identified by auditors. If you missed it then, or would like to discuss the issues further, this popular event will be repeated on 25 March 2022
In November 2022 the IFR4NPO initiative released the first exposure draft (ED) of the proposed International Non-Profit Accounting Guidance – INPAG. This guidance, when issued, will have a significant impact on reporting in the not for profit (NPO) sector.
Experience has shown that there are significant weaknesses in the audit approach used by many firms, regardless of firm size and the type of audit methodology. These weaknesses mean that an audit has a high probability of failing to identify very material errors, especially those arising from fraud.
Do you work for an NGO? Do you ever wonder about the point of an audit? Do you ever wonder why an audit costs so much? Do you ever wonder what your auditors are talking about?
Do you work for an NGO? Do you ever wonder about the point of an audit? Do you ever wonder why an audit costs so much? Do you ever wonder what your auditors are talking about?
David audited charities and NGOs around the world for twenty-five years. Over the last twelve years he has trained hundreds of audit firms in the area of NGO audit. He has found that the quality of NGO audits and the attitude of the audit profession to that sector are almost universally poor, in firms of all sizes.
How to build an audit file that will stand up to external scrutiny and justify an audit?
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