Description de l'évenement

In the column to the left, you see our “Call for Paper” under LEARNING MATERIALS. Please have a look! We have 13 months for preparing ourselves for the conference in Gorée, from 8 to 13 November 2022. These sessions here – every Friday – are intended to give you an introduction to this conference. You can suggest a paper, too! You can also win a free ticket! The Flying Accounting University originates from a self-help group of auditors, financial controllers and accountants, working in the development sector. Tentatively, we called our environment “post colonial bureaucracy”. Does a thing like this exist? Or is this term simply one more expression of the latent administrative racism of the bureaucrats in the centre in relation to the bureaucrats at the periphery? Are there certain tropes, how bureaucracies develop? We are eager to draw in scholars and practitioners from all around the globe. Today, in POST COLONIAL BUREAUCRACIES I, we will give first an overview on the planned sessions. We will also demonstrate how we can work: We will dive into the details. Based on one example, the treatment of business trips in the Soviet Union (“komandirovka”), we will analyze the particularities of this bureaucracy. Currently, the Soviet past is transformed into something new: A fully standardized electronic environment. We might have difficulties with the languages: Some prefer French, some prefer Russian. In such a case, we will arrange break away groups.

Maître de conférences

  • Date de début 15/10/2021
  • Passer du temps (CET) 10:00 — 11:00
  • Inscrite 0
  • Langue English/French/Russian