
No auditor wants to find themself in court defending a negligence claim. If it happens, a successful defence will rely on being able to demonstrate that the audit was properly performed and that the audit report reflected the evidence obtained.
This seminar, designed for audit partners and managers, considers how we can build an audit file that will stand up to external scrutiny and help us justify our audit when required.

What should be documented? How should it be documented? What should we look for in a file review?

Join us to find out more and to contribute to the discussion.

Please note that this seminar is for Empacta members only.


  • Max. teilnehmer 25
  • Sprache English


  • Startdatum 10/04/2025
  • Eingeschrieben 3
  • Startdatum 10/04/2025
  • Zeit verbringen (CET) 10:00 — 11:30
  • Eingeschrieben 3
  • Max. teilnehmer 25
  • Sprache English