The Flying Accounting University studies Accounting as a Social Science

Online learning platform for auditors, accountants and finance managers

Mission & Vision

Flying Accounting University: School of Global Administration

Accounting as a social science

Accounting is not a neutral, pure technical profession. Accounting is a social science! It is a practice deeply linked with the society in which it works. We are committed to explore this dimension

Self-learning tool

FAUNA is a self-learning tool made by professional accountants for anyone interested in accounting. It builds on traditions and experiences of predecessor Flying Universities around the globe

Knowledge transfer

We are committed to transfer knowledge from country to country and thus to homogenize accounting knowledge around the globe

Accounting standards

We are dedicated to development and promulgation of binding international accounting standards, rules and regulations

Global approach

FAUNA has a universal approach in its activities. We take a global perspective in our study of national accounting practices and teach accounting and administration as global rather than national functions and processes

The most interesting events

Anti money laundering regulations – a guide for auditors (EMPACTA members only)

  • 05/07/2024
  • Enrolled: 6

EMPACTA obliges its members to comply with anti money laundering regulations. In this highly condensed training you will learn of what you must do in order to comply with EQS4.
